More Efficient Central Mix Plant Design

The challenge: A multi-national ready mix producer decided to replace a division’s primary production plant with a plant designed to sustain high hourly production with minimal interruptions.

The approach: RMCAC principals reviewed operational records to determine actual production demands over the previous five-year period. Senior management and sales were asked to determine estimated maximum demand volumes for the next five years.

The solution: Our consultants evaluated infrastructure systems and reviewed performance for consistency and reliability. We reviewed all environmental permits to determine system operating parameters, plant footprint and configuration. From this information, we constructed a set of plant system requirements. Four major plant manufacturers submitted designs based on the system requirements.

The result: The plant was purchased and constructed at a cost marginally higher than a standard stock plant. The plant’s mechanical redundancy is sufficient to sustain maximum hourly production levels while experiencing partial losses in primary plant systems exclusive of water and electrical. Peripheral water systems provide a minimum production capability of 300 cubic yards following loss of water supply. This provided the ability to produce at maximum required rates sufficient to complete a continuous pour or to establish product flow from other plants without interruption of delivery spacing.


We can help you focus on:

Performance Measurement

Using performance measurement to drive incremental increases in profit, safety, compliance and customer satisfaction.

Customized Process

Developing customized processes specific to our client’s needs.

Staff & Compliance

Staff training, competency, efficiency, accountability and compliance.