New Employee Intake and Training Program

The challenge: A large producer with multiple operations over a wide geographical area identified the need for training consistency of all new hires. RMCAC principals were asked to design and implement a repeatable structured intake/training process while providing local operational and market-specific granularity for each location.

The approach: RMCAC principals reviewed the current system at each facility as well as the corporate location. This review identified components of the current system that were functional as well as those that created or contributed to inconsistencies.

The solution: RMCAC partnered with senior management and local operational management to develop a new employee intake and training matrix driven by job description, assignment location, and actual tasks. The tiered matrix flows every new hire through intake paperwork, including a company overview, followed by generic, industry-specific safety and environmental training. Operational employees move to the second tier, which is more granular and specific to the operation where the employee is stationed. Managers at the facility follow the master training syllabus when presenting the granular material from their area of responsibility. The third tier centers on specific, operational, safety and environmental education, and is taught by the employees’ direct supervisor. The overall local training is administered by the plant manager.

The result: The new hire intake and training process is now consistent and repeatable in structure and flow across the organization regardless of location. Every new hire is equipped with a specific understanding of the global organizational goals and culture. Every new employee is in a position to excel with local knowledge of markets, plant processes and procedures, plant systems, job-specific operational safety and environmental training.


We can help you focus on:

Performance Measurement

Using performance measurement to drive incremental increases in profit, safety, compliance and customer satisfaction.

Customized Process

Developing customized processes specific to our client’s needs.

Staff & Compliance

Staff training, competency, efficiency, accountability and compliance.