Reduction in MSHA Citations

The challenge: An aggregates producer with two crushing plants was concerned with the number of MSHA citations they were receiving.

The approach: RMCAC examined the policies and processes that management and production / maintenance staff used to keep staff trained and empowered to keep the plant in safe and compliant condition. Working with the company, our team identified a disconnect between management’s safety goals and policies and the training and resources available to staff to maintain safety compliance.

The solution: A complete inspection of the plants yielded a punch list of items to be repaired or added. This was prioritized and corrections were made in an orderly and logical fashion over a short period of time. Simple checklists allowed production staff to make daily inspections and identify corrective needs in a logical progression throughout the work day. Newly developed processes identified and communicated maintenance and safety needs and documented corrective actions to the maintenance staff and management. Production staff received direct hands-on training on how to use or repair the safety equipment and procedures. Management committed the time and funds necessary to maintain compliant plants.

The results: MSHA citations dropped to zero. Lost time accidents dropped to zero. The company workers’ comp modifier improved significantly.


We can help you focus on:

Performance Measurement

Using performance measurement to drive incremental increases in profit, safety, compliance and customer satisfaction.

Customized Process

Developing customized processes specific to our client’s needs.

Staff & Compliance

Staff training, competency, efficiency, accountability and compliance.