Our Process

Our Consulting Process

 Tell us about your ready mix and aggregate business.

  • You determine the scope of our services. Do you want to focus on one plant or one aspect of operations?  Or should the focus of the project, recommendations, and solutions include part or all of the entire operational company?
  • When you have determined the scope, we will begin our work by reviewing the current situation, not everything will be broken. We will drill down into your challenge areas and help develop ways to improve performance.
  • We can help you educate your staff and provide tools based on your situation that implement, test and measure the performance of changes.

Identifying problems is essential.  Daily production demands make it difficult for those involved in day-to-day operations and problem solving to identify the patterns and practices that are barriers to productivity. RMCAC provides an experienced, but unbiased perspective to improve systems and processes.

 Our experts are ready to begin the process of improvement at your company.


We can help you focus on:

Performance Measurement

Using performance measurement to drive incremental increases in profit, safety, compliance and customer satisfaction.

Customized Process

Developing customized processes specific to our client’s needs.

Staff & Compliance

Staff training, competency, efficiency, accountability and compliance.