The challenge: A regional ready mix producer asked RMCAC principals to identify a cost-effective and functional truck tracking system and to build-in active and passive compliance, productivity and maintenance reporting. The project included production and administration of a development, installation, integration and training matrix.
The approach: RMCAC partnered with senior management to define current areas of concern relative to safety, DOT regulations and reporting, maintenance and accountability.
The solution: Potential issues with software system integration and connectivity were identified, reviewed and solutions developed. The appropriate system provider was identified and contracts negotiated. Key internal partners were identified and enlisted to develop the installation, integration and training matrix. All mechanics were trained including wiring and layout schematics creating consistency in units by manufacturer and cab design. Senior managers, IT personnel, dispatchers, batch foremen, and drivers were fully trained and functional with the system.
The result: Forty-five days after contract signing the system was installed in all DOT rolling stock units, and system integration was complete and operational. All plants were supplied with training materials customized by operational assignment to be included in the new hire training matrix, and operational checklists were updated to include the system. System provided data and accountability as requested for DOT, maintenance, safety, and productivity thru daily manual and automatic inputs. In the thirty days following integration, overtime hours were reduced by 85%.