Should you ever find yourself having to build high strength, cast concrete pyramids on the moon, you will absolutely need Jerry on your side. I realize that this sounds light hearted, but it is honestly the best way I can express my experience with Jerry’s and RMCAC’s skillset. With non-existent local support, constantly variable qualities of component materials, not to mention constant political upheaval, Jerry was able to lead the construction of a quality batch plant that provided high volumes of consistently high quality product. Our needs included high strength ready mix, block and precast structural components with quantity and delivery times constantly in flux. Suffice it to say, that over 2 years of work on this project, Jerry’s deliverables were never in question.
Mark Burge
President 1QM
I met Jerry Ellexson of RMCAC in 2005. I have seen him tirelessly and passionately develop, implement and promote best management practices to the industries while exhibiting a refreshingly honest and compassionate concern for the business.
I met Jerry shortly after his organization was purchased by a major multi-national. My position as CSP-CHMM focused on plants within the acquisition including safety programs and operational processes and procedures. The organization was concerned because a high-volume plant with a small footprint was experiencing safety, environmental and traffic flow conflicts on a daily basis. Jerry developed a complete flow system, including mapping, signage, vision enhancing equipment, pavement markings and parking plan. READ MORE
Dorothy Lehmann, CSP, CHCM
Safety Engineering
Orbital ATK
Goddard Space Flight Center
“I’ve known Jerry Ellexson of RMCAC for over 9 years. During the time I spent working at Sky Ute Sand and Gravel, I was able to witness Jerry’s leadership, administrative and management skills at work. As an example, in partnership with senior management and plant management, Jerry designed an operational system that included all levels of production. READ MORE
Mike Olguin
VP EHS Sky Ute Sand and Gravel (ret.)
I first met Jerry Ellexson in 2004 as part of his interview team for a position at Pioneer Concrete. Following his on-boarding, I observed him tirelessly work to develop new processes and approaches to the business. Jerry’s approach blended the realities of high volume production with product quality, mechanical systems, employee competencies agency requirements and customer needs. The result was an overall increase in performance of each system, cost reductions, margin increases and highly predictable mix performance. His view of operations was always unbiased and clear regardless of the noise. I would highly recommend any producer reach out to him and RMCAC as an affordable resource for every area of their business.
Brad Lyman
Manager Pioneer Materials
Jerry and I have been colleagues since 2009 when I served as an Environmental Specialist with the Southern Ute Growth Fund. The SUGF provided environmental support and oversight to entities owned and operated by the Southern Ute Indian Tribe, which included Sky Ute Sand and Gravel, in which Jerry served as the Vice President over the Concrete Division. Jerry always took an active role in effectively managing each facility’s Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SW3P), which included compliance, recordkeeping and reporting, maintenance of best management practices, and implementing processes and procedures to strive for continuous improvement.
He is well-spoken, extremely knowledgeable in many areas, and I am impressed by his strategic problem-solving abilities. However, what has always remained most impressive to me is his character. He is honest, truthful, and fair and I would not hesitate in referring his business to anyone.
Jennifer M. Matteson, CHMM